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Emotional wellbeing

You can help yourself relax through various activities, including:

  • Breathing, relaxation and meditation – see the Relaxation page.

  • Changing your thinking:  Try to pay attention to what goes through your head and identify thoughts that related to feeling anxious.  If possible, it is preferable to replace them with more beneficial sentences (even if only slightly more beneficial).  More on cognitive change.

  • Behavior change:  Try to pay attention to your daily actions that are related to the Coronavirus.  Do you repeatedly check for updates on the news or in social media?  This provokes anxiety and is not recommended.  Reduce your daily media consumption (to once a day, if possible).  Furthermore, try to get your updates from reliable sources. Fake News or even news from credible sources that are delivered in a stressful manner can have a negative impact.

  • Maintaining your social life:  We are social beings. Studies show the importance of relationships to our physical and mental health. Think who among your acquaintances can have a positive influence on you.  Initiate contact with them, even if you are not in a close relationship today and don't have much to say to them. Even if you are in isolation, today’s technology simplifies connecting with others without physically meeting. Video calls and text messages are important and impactful!  Try to engage in conversations that are not necessarily connected to corona.  

  • Living in the present:  Here and now! Look around you! Pay attention to your senses. What do you see? Hear?  This is the reality.  Worries are in the future.  Memories are the past. You are in the present. Tell that to yourself several times a day.

  • Use the time:  Did you always want to learn Spanish? Do you want to see if you can make ice at room temperature?  If you’re in isolation, try to make a list of things that you wanted to do and don’t give up. Language studies, popular science, learning popping (a type of dance), physics or nail design – this is the time to start. YouTube or apps will help you get there.

  • Try to engage in beneficial activities:  In times of distress, a task can help protect us from negative feelings. You will derive a sense of meaning whether it is an activity that only you know about or an activity that involves others, activities for yourself or to benefit others.  Write a post about your experiences, sort your photos and assemble a digital album, help your neighbor with their kids.  Be creative with your time.  Similarly, there are apps and sites that allow you to contribute to others, like Be My Eyes (in which people help the blind "see" or read what is in front of them).

  • Maintaining a routine:  Try to maintain your daily routine as much as possible.  If it is not possible, then create a new routine, even if it is only temporary.

Remember, no matter where you are today, start taking small, easy and non-threatening steps. Once you get used to these actions, you can move on to more things. Find strength in your successes, even if they are "small". Even if you did not succeed, know that there are ups and downs in everything. Try to avoid being critical and judgmental. Be patient with yourself. Slowly, you will go far. If you feel distress that is beyond what you feel comfortable living with, or it is difficult for you to overcome the anxiety yourself, feel free to seek mental health support .

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